How To Tell If You Have Rats
Nov 2020Here are the top six signs to help you tell if you have rats:
We’ve put together a list of the most common signs to tell if rats are living in your home.
- Can you hear the sound of squeaking in your wall cavities?
- Are there rat droppings in the attic, behind your oven or in cavity areas around the house?
- Do you hear sounds of running or scurrying especially during the night when rats are most active?
- Are oily or dirty marks appearing around or near holes and pipes, indicating rat traffic?
- Can signs of gnawing be found, particularly in less commonly visited areas?
- Do you find rat bedding material made from torn or shredded paper or fabric?
If you have any or multiple of the above then you may have a rat infestation and should make plans to remedy the problem before it gets any worse.
Look at this example of #4 on our list. Rats were gaining access to this Dorset property through this exposed hole around some pipework. You’ll see some marks on the right side, caused by the dirt and oil on a rats fur, running into the exposed hole.
Now you can tell if rats have taken up nest in your home and if so whether you need to call in professionals to deal with them.